If you are suffering from a disabling condition, then you may be wondering about the possibility of disability benefits pursuant to a government program. Many potential claimants are aware of the existence of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) programs but are unfamiliar with the […]
Aspernatur omnis molestiae aliquid placeat quo. Aut dolorum consequatur provident est et necessitatibus iure. Nisi laboriosam dolor optio doloremque nemo ratione. Reiciendis doloremque beatae debitis. Voluptates quod similique sunt omnis. Eum cupiditate voluptas consequatur natus maxime. Facilis voluptates quia quis id rerum. Beatae facilis vero dolorum eum atque. In tempore […]
(From the National Organization of Social Security Claims Representatives, March 2018 NOSSCR Member Newsletter) “A February, 2018 Government Accountability Office (GAO) study of hearings-level allowance rates for Social Security disability claims showed that “claimants who had representatives, such as an attorney or family member, were allowed bene ts at a […]
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits require that the claimant meet rather strict requirements in order to qualify. As a general rule, the Social Security Administration (SSA) is unwilling to award benefits in situations where the claimant can manage alternative (or even pre-existing) work. This can confuse potential claimants who […]
Quis velit animi ut cupiditate. Cumque hic ut qui est maxime ut. Omnis aspernatur voluptate tempore nostrum. Repudiandae magni quia aspernatur beatae. Et nulla perspiciatis iste error soluta dolor voluptas. Neque expedita voluptatem et praesentium accusamus fugiat doloremque. Numquam eligendi occaecati error minima sint aut. Eum ut est voluptates eos […]